Terry is sidetracked by Gladys making breakfast. Once they reach town they commandeer Larry's car and search for a new escape car. Butch and Terry get past the guard at the gate in Larry's car with Larry at the wheel. And Terry agrees with that plan as their hatred for each other coalesces. Once Butch and Terry break through the vents, and it is clear that an escape is underway, Butch tells Terry that they will separate when they get free and reach the state line because he doesn't like Terry. Meanwhile, Larry Billings, a prison guard, returns to the prison to get some paperwork to do at home even as the two prisoners in their cells (Butch and Terry) consult with an elderly inmate regarding where the vents go. Just then the doorbell rings and some children outside yell "trick or treat." Gladys answers the door and explains they don't participate in the holiday because they are Jehovah's Witness. The mother, Gladys Perry (Jennifer Griffin), explains that their religious beliefs put them on a higher plane where such activities are forbidden.

In a small town somewhere in Texas, the town kids are trick or treating except for one family sitting at the kitchen table talking about Halloween.
The rest of the movie answers the questions posed by that enigmatic opening image. Both the man and the mask have a faint smile on their faces. The movie opens with the final scene, Butch lying in a field with a Casper the Friendly Ghost mask lying beside him in the grass, a helicopter hovering, and money blowing in the breeze. "A Perfect World," ostensibly about the escape of convicts Butch Haynes (Kevin Costner) and Terry Pugh (Keith Szarabajka) from a Huntsville prison, quickly focusses on their hostage-taking of an 8-year old boy, Philip Perry (T.